Category: Dementia

Articles about dementia care including the various types of dementia often in the terminal stage including caregiver tips and instructions for comfort care.

Eye-Opening Lessons on Trusting Nursing Facilities: Advocating for Comfort in End-of-Life Care

Empty Hospital Bed At A Nursing Facility
As an experienced hospice visiting registered nurse, today offered me profound insights from two interconnected perspectives. The first highlights the blind trust we often place in facility nurses and doctors when caring for our loved ones. The second involves the challenges I encountered while advocating for proper end-of-life care for a patient with Alzheimer's.
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My name is Peter, yet the patient called me “Jack”

As a hospice registered nurse, I have encountered numerous heartwarming and challenging experiences throughout my career. One of the most memorable encounters was with a dementia patient, Miss Norma Jean Smith, who affectionately called me "Jack." This endearing nickname, born out of her unique perception, became a symbol of the special bond we shared. In the following account, I will share the poignant journey of building trust, providing compassionate care, and embracing the unexpected moments of joy and sorrow in the life of Miss Norma. This story is a testament to the profound impact of person-centered care and the invaluable lessons learned from the patients we are privileged to serve.
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Detecting Infections in Terminally Ill Geriatric Patients with Dementia

One of the most important roles is detecting and managing infections in terminally ill geriatric patients with dementia. These patients are often at higher risk for infections due to their weakened immune systems, underlying health conditions, and limited mobility. Detecting infections in these patients can be challenging due to their limited communication abilities and other cognitive and physical impairments. However, early detection and management of infections can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and potentially prolong their life.
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Best Practices for Approaching Combative Dementia Patients

Dementia is a progressive brain disorder that affects a person’s cognitive abilities, memory, and behavior. In the later stages of the disease, some patients can become combative and aggressive, making it difficult for caregivers to provide the necessary care. As a hospice nurse, it’s important to know how to approach and manage combative dementia patients to ensure their comfort and safety. Here are some best practices to consider:
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The Dark Side of Physical Therapy for Geriatric Patients with Dementia

Explore the ethical dilemma of physical therapy for terminally ill dementia patients. This article examines the potential harm of aggressive interventions, highlighting the importance of comfort-focused care. Learn why hospice professionals often advocate for gentler approaches in end-of-life dementia care.
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Validation Therapy: A Valuable Tool for Families and Healthcare Teams

Naomi Feil is an expert in gerontology and the creator of validation therapy, which is a means of communicating and acknowledging the internal reality of patients with dementia. When properly utilized, validation therapy can enhance the quality of life of patients with dementia as well as reduce stress on the family and caregivers. While Naomi Feil and her followers (of which the writer of this article may be considered one, at least in form) focus on using this method of communication to maintain health with the potential for a level of restorative health, I want to share how the concepts of this method can be used during times of crisis.
Read MoreValidation Therapy: A Valuable Tool for Families and Healthcare Teams

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