Category: Nurse Skills

Articles involving nursing skills and techniques.

Comprehensive Approaches to Managing Hallucinations in Dementia Patients

Explore comprehensive approaches to managing hallucinations in loved ones with dementia. This article covers pharmacological methods, focusing on Seroquel and non-drug strategies such as Naomi Feil's validation therapy. Learn how to validate feelings, de-escalate fear, and improve the quality of life for those experiencing cognitive impairment.
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How to Identify End-Stage Parkinsons for Hospice Admission

Parkinson's disease stages of progression
Admitting patients with end-stage Parkinson's disease to hospice care can be challenging due to the lack of clear guidelines and varying disease progression. This article explores the experiences of hospice professionals, existing guidelines, and potential solutions to improve the accuracy of identifying terminal Parkinson's cases for hospice admission. A more individualized and comprehensive approach can be achieved by considering factors such as clinical decline, weight loss, mobility challenges, and caregiver input.
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Crisis Management at End-of-Life

Crisis At End Of Life Dying In Pain
End-of-life care is a challenging and sensitive field that requires hospice nurses to be prepared for various crises that may arise in their patients. These crises can cause significant discomfort and distress for the patients and their caregivers and must be addressed promptly and effectively. In this article, I will share my insights as a hospice nurse with extensive experience in end-of-life care and discuss the top five crises I encounter in my practice and how I manage them.
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Understanding Palliative Sedation: A Comprehensive Guide for Hospice Care

This guide covers the essentials of palliative sedation for hospice patients, including ethical dilemmas, timing, recommended medications, and monitoring effectiveness, ensuring comfort during the end-of-life journey.
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Bowel Management for the Terminally Ill: A Guide for Caregivers and Hospice Nurses

terminally ill man in a hospital bed
Managing bowel problems in terminally ill patients is crucial for their comfort and dignity. This guide offers practical tips for caregivers and hospice nurses to address constipation, diarrhea, bowel obstruction, and ascites, ensuring patients' better quality of life.
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Compelling Hospice Nursing Narratives: Ensuring Continued Eligibility and Comprehensive Care

This guide covers how to write effective hospice nursing narratives, key documentation areas, and the importance of detailed and negative-based wording to support continued hospice eligibility.
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Hospice Nursing ADPIE

As a hospice nurse, you are vital in providing compassionate care to terminally ill patients and their families. To ensure the best possible outcomes, you rely on a systematic approach known as ADPIE: Assessment, Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. This process guides you in delivering holistic and individualized care, addressing not only the physical needs of patients but also their emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial well-being.
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Admission Nurse: Important Questions to Ask During the Hospice Admission Visit

Some Indicators For Hospice Eligibility
As a hospice admission nurse, asking the right questions is crucial for assessing patients' eligibility and providing compassionate care. This article explores critical questions to understand the patient's condition, decline timeline, hospitalizations, functional abilities, cognitive status, and comorbidities. By gathering this information, nurses can support informed decisions, tailor interventions, and ensure a "good death" for patients and families.
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Assessing Patients on the FAST Scale: A Guide for Nurses

Fast Scale
As a nurse who has cared for many terminally ill individuals with Alzheimer's disease over the years, I understand the importance of accurately assessing their functional decline using the Functional Assessment Staging Tool (FAST). The FAST scale provides valuable information about the progression of Alzheimer's disease and helps guide appropriate care planning for patients and their families. In this guide, I will walk you through the process of assessing patients on the FAST scale, starting from stage 1 and discussing when to stop reading the scale for determination. I will also provide three examples of patients at various stages of the FAST scale.
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Revisiting Time Management for a Hospice Visiting Nurse

I’ve been a hospice nurse for over six years and am writing this article. Over the years, I’ve seen unintentional time management mistakes that pushed outstanding hospice staff to leave the field after feeling “burnt out.” I want to revisit this topic with the hope that if you, as the reader, are feeling burnt out in the field of hospice and can implement some of the tips in this article, you will have an improved life-work balance so that you remain in the field.
Read MoreRevisiting Time Management for a Hospice Visiting Nurse

Methadone: A Compassionate Approach to Managing Terminal Pain

This article delves into the advantages of Methadone over Morphine for pain management in hospice settings. It covers dosage, titration, side effects, and scenarios where Methadone may not be the best choice. Ideal for hospice professionals and caregivers seeking compassionate pain relief options for the terminally ill.
Read MoreMethadone: A Compassionate Approach to Managing Terminal Pain

How RN Case Managers Can Maintain Good Compliance with Medicare Guidelines

As a seasoned hospice nurse, I recognize the significance of adhering to Medicare guidelines to ensure top-notch patient care. Medicare guidelines offer a roadmap for hospice providers to offer exceptional care to terminally ill patients and their loved ones. Nonetheless, upholding compliance with these guidelines can be a hurdle, especially for smaller hospice providers with limited resources. In this article, we'll delve into how RN case managers can effectively ensure compliance with Medicare guidelines.
Read MoreHow RN Case Managers Can Maintain Good Compliance with Medicare Guidelines

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