Category: Full Code

“Full code” means that all life-saving measures, including (CPR), will be performed in a medical emergency to save a person’s life.

Top Ten Myths About CPR for Terminally Ill Patients

You may think that CPR is a miracle that can save anyone’s life, but that is not always the case. CPR is not practical for terminally ill patients, and it can cause more harm than good. In fact, studies show that only about 5% of terminally ill patients who receive CPR survive to leave the hospital. Many of them suffer from brain damage, broken ribs, or infections because of CPR.

This article aims to help you understand the truth about CPR for terminally ill patients. We will debunk ten common myths you may have heard or believed about CPR and provide you with accurate and reliable information. We will also help you make informed and respectful decisions about CPR for your loved one based on their wishes and values.

Read MoreTop Ten Myths About CPR for Terminally Ill Patients

Full Code vs DNR: The Implications for Terminally Ill Patients and Their Caregivers

cpr vs dnr

Choosing between full code and DNR for terminally ill patients can be challenging. This article explains the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of helping caregivers and families make informed decisions.

Read MoreFull Code vs DNR: The Implications for Terminally Ill Patients and Their Caregivers

Hospice and the Pennsylvania Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment — POLST

A review of the implications of each choice for the terminally ill patient as well as the loved ones of those who are terminally ill. This form comes into practice typically under two conditions… no pulse and is not breathing OR has a pulse and/or is breathing (but while not mentioned is typically in the last two weeks of life if no measures are taken with the understanding that any and all measures do not guarantee a longer time frame). Let’s review the form below:

Read MoreHospice and the Pennsylvania Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment — POLST

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