Month: May 2023

How Hospice RN Case Managers Can Reduce After-Hour Calls

I understand the challenges that patients and families face when receiving hospice services. One common issue that arises is the need for after-hour calls, which can add stress to an already demanding situation. However, with proactive care and effective communication, dayshift hospice RN case managers can play a crucial role in reducing after-hour calls and providing better support to patients and their families. Here’s how:

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Detecting Infections in Terminally Ill Geriatric Patients with Dementia

One of the most important roles is detecting and managing infections in terminally ill geriatric patients with dementia. These patients are often at higher risk for infections due to their weakened immune systems, underlying health conditions, and limited mobility. Detecting infections in these patients can be challenging due to their limited communication abilities and other cognitive and physical impairments. However, early detection and management of infections can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and potentially prolong their life.

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What Hospice Nurses should assess every visit

assessment sheet top

Hospice nurses play a vital role in providing quality care and comfort to terminally ill patients and their families. They must make accurate and timely assessments of the patient’s condition, needs, and preferences every visit. This article will outline the key aspects that hospice nurses should assess every visit, in addition to the standard physical assessment.

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Ethical Dilemmas in Hospice

As a hospice RN case manager, I have seen many ethical dilemmas arise in end-of-life situations. Hospice care is unique because it focuses on providing comfort care to patients no longer seeking curative treatment for their illnesses. As a result, the ethical concerns in hospice care differ from those in other healthcare settings. This article will explore some ethical dilemmas that can arise in hospice care and how they can be addressed.

Before I review several case studies gathered from the sources in the resource section below, please allow me to share a current one of mine that is ongoing as this article is being published.

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Should dying patients be on oxygen?

I have cared for many terminally ill patients over the years. One question that comes up frequently is should the dying patient be on oxygen at the end of life?

I see it from both sides, from hospice intake personnel as well as the admitting nurse — all had it drilled into them over the years that low oxygen saturation must be treated — to families who see how hospital and nursing home staff rush to put someone on oxygen because of low oxygen saturation.

Contrary to widespread belief, most dying patients do not need oxygen. Here’s why:

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