Tag: Oxygen Therapy

Articles about oxygen-therapy for the terminally ill.

Understanding Oxygen Saturation in Hospice Care Navigating Through Numbers for Comfort and Quality of Life

Explore the role of oxygen saturation in hospice care, where comfort takes precedence over numbers. Learn how hospice teams prioritize quality of life, interpret vital signs differently, and make ethical decisions about oxygen use. Discover a compassionate approach focused on dignity and peace.

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Strategies to Help Dementia Patients Use CPAP Overnight: A Caregiver’s Guide

Caregivers can find it challenging to ensure dementia patients wear their CPAPs overnight. This article offers practical tips and strategies to help caregivers ensure comfortable and uninterrupted CPAP use for their loved ones.

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Four Case Studies About External Oxygen on Hospice

It is common for family members and caregivers who are not trained in end-of-life topics to be concerned about their loved one's oxygen concentration (SpO2 and sometimes also abbreviated SPaO2) reading from a pulse oximeter. Suppose their loved one refuses external oxygen or takes off the external oxygen. In that case, this often causes distress to the family and caregivers because they are focused on the numbers vs. the patients themselves. Hospice is about patient-centered care, and I would like to present four case studies to demonstrate how hospice manages this situation with compassion.

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Should dying patients be on oxygen?

I have cared for many terminally ill patients over the years. One question that comes up frequently is should the dying patient be on oxygen at the end of life?

I see it from both sides, from hospice intake personnel as well as the admitting nurse — all had it drilled into them over the years that low oxygen saturation must be treated — to families who see how hospital and nursing home staff rush to put someone on oxygen because of low oxygen saturation.

Contrary to widespread belief, most dying patients do not need oxygen. Here’s why:

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