Rally as part of the dying process

Dying is an inevitable facet of life, a natural progression that touches us all. This journey towards the end of life can unfold in diverse ways—peaceful and graceful or turbulent and fraught with stress. Amid this journey, there exists a phase known as the "rally." It occurs just before the final moments of a person's life. This rally phase often shrouds itself in misunderstanding and misconceptions. It's imperative to unravel what it truly signifies.
Educating families on reporting changes in condition

When someone you love is sick and may not get better, you want to do everything possible to make them comfortable and happy. Sometimes, you may notice that they are acting differently or feeling worse. This is called a change of condition. Some changes in condition are very serious and need to be reported to the hospice provider right away. Other changes in condition are less urgent and can be written down in a journal until the next nursing visit. This article will help you learn how to tell the difference and what to do.
An example recertification template for hospice eligibility

Hospice recertification is a crucial step in which the registered nurse case manager can help make the case for continued hospice eligibility. May I encourage my fellow hospice nurses to start using a template to ensure your recertification visits are consistent and that you are leading early in the documentation portion regarding what declines have occurred since admission and last recertification?
The last hours of life

LUnderstanding the physical and emotional changes can be crucial as a loved one nears the end of life. This guide explores common signs of approaching death, offering insights on breathing changes, skin mottling, and decreased consciousness. Learn how to provide comfort and support during this final journey.
The importance of caregiver journaling for the patient and family

Caring for a loved one in hospice is rewarding yet challenging. Keeping a caregiver journal benefits the patient, family, and hospice provider. It enhances care, coping, and creating memories. Get tips on starting and maintaining a meaningful journal to improve your caregiving experience.
Air hunger management at end-of-life

I can count the times I’ve run into air hunger at the end of life as a visiting RN Case Manager for going on five years on one hand. Over the years, I’ve managed patients with pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancers (diverse types), breast cancer, COPD, congestive heart failure, B-cell lymphoma, leukemia, and other diseases that can impact one person’s ability to breathe correctly. Air hunger is rare in my firsthand experiences, but it can happen.
Air hunger often sounds like the person is gasping for breath without regard to the actual respiratory rate (how fast they are breathing); it can also sound like stridor (YouTube videos below where you can hear the difference).
Hospice and the Pennsylvania Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment — POLST

A review of the implications of each choice for the terminally ill patient as well as the loved ones of those who are terminally ill. This form comes into practice typically under two conditions… no pulse and is not breathing OR has a pulse and/or is breathing (but while not mentioned is typically in the last two weeks of life if no measures are taken with the understanding that any and all measures do not guarantee a longer time frame). Let’s review the form below:
Understanding Changes in Diet Texture for the Terminally Ill

Navigating the dietary needs at life’s end can be complex. This guide explores the progression of diet textures and liquid consistencies, ensuring comfort and safety for the terminally ill. Learn to adapt meals for loved ones as they approach this delicate phase.