Recognizing the Approaching End of Life
Published on May 29, 2021
Updated on August 12, 2024
Published on May 29, 2021
Updated on August 12, 2024
When I first started working in the field of hospice, my clinical manager told me (I’m paraphrasing) that one day you would be able to walk into the room and, without getting a single vital sign, just by visual observation, be able to tell that the person is dying or will be shortly dying. That was about three years ago. Today, it’s almost chilling for me (as it is both a blessing and a tremendous responsibility) to be able to share she told the truth and that, over time — if you give yourself patience and grace and take the time to listen, observe, and remember — you too will learn how to tell when someone is close to or otherwise is dying.
Please allow me to share some insight into how I know a person has less than a month to live and often far less. First, let’s go into the critical discussion you should have with the family, friends, and the patient themselves that provides an overall background to the prognosis. That discussion should be centered around what types of decline (downward, negative) changes have been taking place in the patient’s life over the last six months, making note as to whether the decline is minor, medium, or significant and the frequency (once a month, once a week, etc.) of those changes.
If the patient has one or more medium to significant declines every 3 to 6 weeks, the general guideline for a prognosis is that the patient has weeks to months to live. If one or more medium to significant declines happen every 1 to 2 weeks, the patient has days to weeks to live. If the declines (any type) happen several times per week, the prognosis is days to weeks to live. Finally, if multiple daily declines occur, the prognosis is hours to days to live.
I’ve walked into new cases where the family just made the hand and finger movements, and there was a whirlwind of changes in the past week before the patient was admitted. Just on that information alone, I put the patient on daily visits, and they died in less than one week.
As you are visiting the patient (keeping in mind the changes the patient has gone through over the past six months — number, type, frequency), start your exam by asking questions about what has happened in the past week, take note of the patient’s complexion, whether or not they can focus their eyes on you, their breathing (these three being the most significant changes that are often clues as to what is to come), and how they answer your questions.
Have there been any signs of terminal restlessness since your last visit? If non-reversible, this is a common sign they have two weeks or less to live. Is their skin becoming more friable, pale, ashen, or glossy (especially their face)? Complexion changes of this nature often mean two weeks or less. Do they appear dazed in terms of their eyes, unable to focus or talk with you and looking at or near you, but appear not to see you? That’s often a sign they are less than two weeks away from dying.
What is their breathing pattern? Your patients will have baselines. I’ve seen some patients with twenty-four respirations per minute that are normal and others with ranges within the standard of 12-to-20. Is the pattern regular? If the pattern is irregular and new to them, that may be a sign of a neurological change of condition (another decline).
In the last two weeks, I’ve often noticed patients speaking as if they are here on Earth and yet elsewhere spiritually. They see loved ones who have died and frequently say they talk to them or at least try. To me, this is a critical sign. Sometimes, they will even tell you they will know they will be dead by such and such day or date; please take them seriously.
As you note these declines, note if they are every 3 to 6 weeks (they may have weeks to months to live), weekly (then ask yourself if there is more than one change, which means days to weeks), and so on.
My practice is if I believe a patient of mine has two weeks of life left to live, with permission from the patient (if they can provide it). The family (or caregivers if the family is not involved), I increase the patient to daily visits such that a registered nurse visits them daily and lets our team know so the chaplain and social worker can be more heavily involved in the case.
In addition to the above, let me share some key highlights from the book Gone from My Sight: The Dying Experience by well-known and expert Barbara Karnes, RN:
One to Three Months Before Death
One to Two Weeks Before Death
Days or Hours to Death
Minutes to Death
Various articles with tips for hospice nurses
The Importance of Caregiver Journaling
Reporting Changes in Condition to Hospice
CaringInfo – Caregiver support and much more!
Surviving Caregiving with Dignity, Love, and Kindness | Simplifying the Search for In-Home Care
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Hospice Caregiver series
Take Back Your Life: A Caregiver’s Guide to Finding Freedom in the Midst of Overwhelm
The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself
Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved
Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying
Providing Comfort During the Last Days of Life with Barbara Karnes RN (YouTube Video)
Preparing the patient, family, and caregivers for a “Good Death.”
Velocity of Changes in Condition as an Indicator of Approaching Death (often helpful to answer how soon? or when?)
The Dying Process and the End of Life
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. The amount generated from these “qualifying purchases” helps to maintain this site.
Gone from My Sight: The Dying Experience
The Eleventh Hour: A Caring Guideline for the Hours to Minutes Before Death