Month: August 2021

What is a hospice house?

A hospice house is a peaceful, home-like residence where terminally ill people receive short-term hospice care. It is designed to provide a setting as close to home as possible, allowing for more freedom than a traditional facility. Hospice houses are typically run by not-for-profit organizations and are financed by donations, making them more economical for families who cannot afford skilled nursing facilities. Unlike inpatient hospice units (IPUs), hospice houses work with several hospice providers, allowing families to choose the provider that best suits their needs. They also follow a more flexible visitation policy, allowing families to visit 24x7 without appointments.

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Learning Psychosocial Skills as a Hospice Nurse

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One of the hardest lessons to learn as a nurse, in my experience and opinion, is the psychosocial skills necessary to help patients and their families work towards their healthcare goals. These skills are applicable to every field. While I, myself, am still growing as a registered nurse (heading towards my 5th year at the time of writing this article), I would like to share with you some of the lessons learned. These lessons are based on real-life cases where I will present the scenario, what I did that worked, and what I internally thought of opposite scenarios.

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Coughing Up Blood (hemoptysis) Symptom Management

Hemoptysis, or coughing up blood, can be a distressing symptom for patients at the end of their life journey. As a hospice nurse, your expertise in managing this symptom is crucial in ensuring a peaceful and comfortable experience for your patients and their families.

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