Tag: Parkinsons

Articles about end-stage Parkinsons Disease including caregiver tips and instructions for comfort care.

Parkinson’s vs. Alzheimer’s: Key Differences Explained

Dementia is a word we use to describe a significant change in the brain that makes it hard for people to remember things, think clearly, make decisions, or even control their emotions. It’s like a fog that slowly creeps in, affecting how a person thinks, feels, and lives daily. It’s not just one disease but a group of symptoms that can be caused by different diseases, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

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How to Identify End-Stage Parkinson’s for Hospice Admission

Parkinson's disease stages of progression

Identifying end-stage Parkinson's for hospice admission can be challenging. This article explores key criteria, including decline in function, weight loss, swallowing difficulties, and mobility issues. Learn how hospice professionals assess patients and utilize guidelines to ensure appropriate and timely hospice care for those with advanced Parkinson's disease.

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Introduction to Terminal Illness and Progressive Diseases

terminal prognosis vs. diagnosis

When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness or a progressive disease, it can be a daunting and overwhelming experience for families and caregivers. Understanding the terms and concepts associated with these conditions is essential to providing the best possible care and support. This article aims to clarify the complex journey of terminal illnesses and progressive diseases, offering guidance and compassion to those navigating this challenging path.

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Understanding Parkinson’s Disease: A Guide for Families

Parkinsons Disease

If you have a loved one diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, you may have many questions and concerns about what to expect and how to provide the best care possible. As an experienced hospice nurse with extensive experience in managing terminal illnesses, I am here to guide you through the journey of Parkinson's disease and offer compassionate support. In this article, we will explore Parkinson's disease, the changes your loved one may experience over time, and practical tips to care for them from the onset to the end-of-life phase.

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