Tag: Lethargy

Articles about lethargy commonly experienced by the terminally ill towards the end-of-life.

Significant Signs a Terminally Ill Patient may be Close to Dying

Signs of imminent death

Recognizing end-of-life signs can be challenging. This guide outlines key symptoms indicating a terminally ill patient may have less than two weeks, offering crucial insights for caregivers and families.

Read MoreSignificant Signs a Terminally Ill Patient may be Close to Dying

Drowsiness vs. Lethargy vs. Obtunded

Altered Level Of Consciousness

Understanding drowsiness, lethargy, and obtundation is crucial in hospice care. Drowsiness is a normal sleepiness, lethargy is more profound tiredness, and obtundation indicates severe unresponsiveness. Recognizing these levels helps in providing the right care and comfort for terminally ill patients.

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